Bestselling Indigenous Books in Canada

There There by Tommy OrangeSeven Fallen Feathers by Tanya TalagaBlackflies by Robert Munsch, illustrated by Jay Odjick
BookNet Canada has compiled a useful and informative list on the bestselling Indigenous books in Canada, which you can find here. Forty titles are included in total, ranging in the categories of Fiction, Non-Fiction, Juvenile and YA Fiction, and Juvenile and YA Non-Fiction. BookNet put some serious work into this data collection, so please check it out! It`s a great place to start if you`re interested in exploring Canadian Indigenous Literature for the first time, or catching up on any titles you might`ve missed.

BookNet has also put together a handy Catalist catalogue containing all 40 titles, to compliment their research.

Bestselling Indigenous Books in Canada Bestselling Indigenous Books in Canada Reviewed by Mr X on July 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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