Sudai on sex ambiguity in early modern common law

Mayaan Sudai (University of Haifa) has published "Sex Ambiguity in Early Modern Common Law (1629-1787)" in Law & Social Inquiry (2021), 1-36. Here's the abstract: 

Prior to the modern understanding of sex as fundamentally biological, a person’s sex status—that is, whether they were male or female—was largely a legal issue. How was this legal fact established in cases of doubt? To answer that question, this article tells the story of the regulation of cases of doubtful sex (the cases of people who were then referred to as hermaphrodites) between 1629 and 1787 in England and Colonial America. Trials of doubtful sex from this period show that, rather than being based on a single piece of evidence (such as genital appearance), determining a person’s sex required a rich and context-sensitive evaluation by witnesses and juries. However, toward the end of the eighteenth century, scientific and medical authorities gradually sought to classify hermaphrodites according to their “true sex” and to remove any doubt from that classification. Ultimately, this article demonstrates that the early modern common law tradition did not conceptualize sex as purely binary and did not hinge on medical opinions throughout most of the eighteenth century. These findings highlight the continuous engagement of courts in actively shaping the meaning and ontology of sex rather than merely reflecting it in their decisions.

Further information is available here.

-- Mitra Sharafi 


Sudai on sex ambiguity in early modern common law Sudai on sex ambiguity in early modern common law Reviewed by Mr X on November 15, 2021 Rating: 5

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